1. You Want to Play - Mourad Hamla (Algeria) 2. El Club de Chichiguas - Tomás Pichardo (Dominican Republic) 3. Chapter One- Aadithirunaal - Vasanthakumar Anbalagan (Singapore) 4. Le traitement des troubles de la communication - Darya Danilovich (Belarus) 5. Poison Candy - Karina Torres (Costa Rica) 6. Vedro - Kristina Snegina (Kazakhstan) 7. The Chats - 6L GTR - marco Imov (Denmark) 8. Raticulous - Vera Verhoef (Belgium) 9. About presence - Zeno Kristof Mira (Hungary) 10. The Bathtub - Olle Bugge (Sweden) 11 Ross Ozarka - Titanic on a Plane (New Zealand) 12. Changing skin - Maxime Coton (Belgium) 13. Sobe e Desce - Emilio Daniel Ponguillo (Ecuador) 14. Ivan the Wolf and the Gray Tsarevich - Diana Galimzyaniva, Liza Neklessa (Russia) 15. The Message - Bruno Pavić (Croatia)